Tuesday, October 25, 2011

[FR] A Poem Responce

A Dream Deferred
What happens to a dream deferred?
Does it dry up
like a raisin in the sun?
Or fester like a sore--
And then run?
Does it stink like rotten meat?
Or crust and sugar over--
like a syrupy sweet?
Maybe it just sags
like a heavy load.
Or does it explode?

The Question I have to respond to is the first sentence "What happens to a Dream Deferred." I would say that people who lose there dreams can get lost, depressed, and very scared. But I would say it is very important to try and keep your dream and to pull it out of the deep place that it is in your brain, where it is hiding in, and try to pursue your goal.  It is hard to recover from the sudden realization that your goal cannot be reached, but it is important to ignore the people who tell you to quit pursuing your dream. No matter what people say dreams are not always meant to be reached but the concept of a dream is you must try to reach it, even if it is unreachable because it gives you a reason in life, a reason to live, a thing to keep your mind focused on the good stuff when your surrounded be terrible stuff.

It is im portant to fucus on the little things that give small brief moments of joy, it is the difference in people leading a fun interesting life, and having a life in the shitter for years and years at a time. If people had a fun nice enjoyable life, and every one had this, there would be no problems in the world, but this is definately not the not the case.

Friday, October 21, 2011

[CE] Raiders get Carson Palmer

I found this video on ESPN.

Ever since the Raiders Starting Quarter Back Jason Campbell got hurt, the Raiders picked up Carson Palmer. The mystery is continuing in Oakland and it could all the way up until game time Sunday. And Hue Jackson is loving it. Jackson didn’t give any hints of whether newly acquired quarterback Carson Palmer will start Sunday or if backup Kyle Boller will lead the offense against Kansas City.

Jackson said Friday he may not say who will start until game time and he is keeping the drama going because he can. He is enjoying this, and I’m sure part of the secrecy is gamesmanship to keep the Chiefs guessing. I think the final decision will come down to Palmer’s comfort level both physically and with the Raiders’ playbook. Palmer hasn’t played since Jan. 2. If Palmer is comfortable, he will play. If Boller does have to play, for the Raiders’ sake, I hope he had enough practice time, because he needs to be in tune with his teammates as well. If Boller does have to play, for the Raiders’ sake, I hope he had enough practice time, because he needs to be in tune with his teammates as well.

Ultimately, if Palmer doesn’t play, you can’t blame anyone. It makes sense that three days of practice time is not enough time for a quarterback to fully grasp the offense and be ready to lead the team to a win. Also, there is the real chance of Palmer pulling a muscle because of the rust. That would be disastrous. With the Raiders next entering their bye week, it is ideal for Palmer to get plenty of practice time and be ready to play the Broncos. Now lets Go Raiders!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[RE] Raiders got to LOVE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I found this quote on Rowlands Blog and I liked it because I absolutely love the Raiders and I always will.
" So the Raiders game on Sunday could have gone better. Everyone knew the Raiders would win because they are just too raw. After seeing Darren McFadden score on the first drive of the game, I knew we had this. Darren McFadden is just so raw, he is honestly the best running back in the NFL at this time. He can do anything. He can get around the corner any speed down the field for a 80 yard TD. He can go up the middle against lineman and linebackers and go straight through them. The Raiders have no problems with there running game. The young wide receiver we have are all good. Hayward-Bey is finally starting to find his place on our team. Moore is just raw. Ford is just so fast, I think he is the second deadliest return man in this league just behind Devin Hester of the bears."
I used this quote because the Raiders are awesome and every week I find some one on the team who just beasts up especially the Running backs. The Raiders also have a great offensive line who block for the Raiders amazing running backs, Darren McFadden and the second string Micheal Bush.

Darren McFadden is not only one of the best running backs in the NFL, but he is one of the greatest players in the NFL. Last season the Raiders rushed for the second most rushing yards in the NFL, where Darren McFadden rushed for over 1100 yards and Micheal Bush rushed for 650 plus yards, which for a back up is extremely good. And So far this year Darren McFadden has 610 Rushing yards and Micheal Bush  has 138 rushing yards and alls I have to say is Go Raiders!!!!!!!!!!!

[FREE] It sucks to watch

Today I had to sit and watch my JV team beast on El Cerrito High School, I had to Watch instead of playing because I got a minor Concussion and that sucked I sat and watch the other Running back beast and score three touchdowns and over one hundred and fifty rushing yards. I was very jealous of all those lucky uninjured players playing there last JV home game which was very disappointing that I missed the last game.

I was thinking about not telling the coaches that I actually had a concussion and I was going to pad up and play anyways because I love FOOTBALL and I really think I should have done that because my team had hell of fun. Football has been my favorite sport for my entire life.  I can't explain the feeling you have when your staring down the man in front of You that You must destroy.

I have played many sports in my life so when I say there is one in particular that is extra fun believe me it is fun. In football you can hit people, you can be part of a TEAM that depends on every player out there and you genuinely care about your entire team.  I love football; watching it, playing it and talking about it. In my Opinion football is the greatest sport ever created, I can't explain the feeling you have when your staring down the man in front of You that You must destroy.

Friday, October 14, 2011

[CE] Somalia

I found this video and I think that people should do something about all these starving and dying children. I think that some one some where has to do something about children just dying, they need to save kids so they will become successful and they will live long happy lives like children are supposed to do.
"Mogadishu, Somalia's capital, is overrun by the number of people seeking food as a result of famine and drought. The UN estimates there are just under half a million people now housed in the temporary plastic-covered shelters that pack the city. Although there is international support to tackle conditions, it is failing to stem the number of children who are dying. The UN says that in Mogadishu alone, fifteen children out of every 10000 die each day, the highest rate in the country. And this is only expected to get worse."
This is the background info that came with the video it really makes me want to go to Somalia myself and help those people because it seems like no one else will do it. And it doesn't help either that there is a lot of war and battle going on in Somalia and if people don't die from being shot they will most likely die from not enough water and starvation which Somalia is known for. The worst thing for Somalians is the fact that the military eats all the food and water plus they kill a whole lot of people. For now I only can wish the Somalians peace and hope that their country will be saved.

RE - I love the game of football

I found this quote on Trevor Greenley's Blog and I liked it because I play on the JV football team and I play other sports as well but there is nothing like Football
"Football is one of the most spectated sports in the world and in my opinion it is the funnest sport out there. Football is an interesting sport and when your playing in a game it can be one of the most fun things you have ever done in your whole life."
I am on the Alameda high JV football team and I love football; watching it, playing it and talking about it. In my Opinion football is the greatest sport ever created, I can't explain the feeling you have when your staring down the man in front of You that You must destroy. I have played many sports in my life so when I say there is one in particular that is extra fun believe me it is fun. In football you can hit people, you can be part of a TEAM that depends on every player out there and you genuinely care about your entire team. To me football is even fun to watch, but when there is good blocking there will be some pretty big plays. Football is an interesting sport by how the plays are ran, there is no other sport that stops playing huddles up and then continues between each play. 

The funnest part about football is definitely blocking and making tackles. Just hitting a guy gives you so much adrenaline it ain't even funny.

[Fr]Today was home coming

Today was homecoming, the whole day was very fun. The yearly pep rally was today, it was very exciting to cheer on the Sophomore class and boo all of the freshman. Then  it was over and it was time for our JV and Varsity Alameda high football teams to play the Pinole Spartans. I am currently the starting running back and a starting corner, plus I'm on all of the special team squads for JV. We came out bad, we had good intensity but their was a miscommunication on our kickoff squad and the Spartans got a Kickoff return for a touchdown. Then we got the ball back at the 10 yard line and we ended up having to punt the ball on our first drive.

They only scored one other time that entire half and that was after our first possession. After that we started to come back with Me getting a 25 yd run before getting tackled, then James Knight the second string running back got a first down run. But we started to do a lot of passes which were dropped so we had to punt it again, but this time our defense stopped them every time they got the ball back then in the ending of the 3rd quarter James Knight got a 2yd touchdown. Then they punted and we had the ball but the first down we got was called back due to penalties. So they got the ball back and then we stopped them at 4rth down and we had the ball back in our own 7yd line. Then our quarter back Anthonie Pearson fumbled the ball and they drove back from the 20yd line and scored again in the 4rth quarter then we almost came back but there were some dropped passes and they got the ball back to kneel it. Even though we lost it was a good game and we fought hard.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Column about Steve Jobs

"When I was 17, I read a quote that went something like: "If you live each day as if it was your last, someday you'll most certainly be right." It made an impression on me, and since then, for the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: "If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?" And whenever the answer has been "No" for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.

Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything — all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure - these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart."

—Steve Jobs, in a 2005 speech 

This is the quote that I have to write about this week It is a quote of Steve Jobs the creator of Apple. I think this is great advice, said by a great man. I agree that up to a certain extent , people treat every day like it is the last day on earth People should live life to the fullest and. If every body on Earth lived like Steve did we would have some pretty amazing stuff and culture. 

Steve made many technological advances in this world and imagine if every body had a new technological advance, we would be the most successful creative people alive. Steve the former CEO and co-founder of Apple had lived a very successful and important life. If we had not have had Steve, we might not have iPods, iPads, and iTouches. I think if every body was like Steve jobs and lived to their full potential every body would be intelligent, athletic, creative and  more accepting of all people. If people thought and acted like this it would be a easier place to live and this world would have less conflict and more celebrations over the good, kind, happy things in life. Steve started a era of development and new inventions that really changed the world for better or for worse.

This is some background information that I have written on Steve, his life story in a few hundred words, not every thing but a small summary. He has done many great and inventive things that no one could take away from the master of the Apple company. He has made billions upon billions of dollars for his company and he has donated a lot to charity before the end. I have to say REST IN PEACE STEVE JOBS!!!!!!!!

Background Info on Steve jobs:
Steve Jobs co-founded Apple in 1986 with two other people. He later got resigned and started a newer company. That company that Steve had started was later bought out by Apple. Steve was the returned to Apple where he became the CEO of Apple once his new company was bought. Steve had made almost every thing that Apple has to offer including the Mac book, iPod, iPhone, and the i Pad. Steve has brought joy to many people in the world.
"Jobs was a demanding perfectionist who always aspired to position his businesses and their products at the forefront of the information technology industry by foreseeing and setting trends, at least in innovation and style."
 Steve was a very good leader who lead his company through tough economical times, (even though Apple did not have it that tough making more money than the United States of America).
"Jobs is listed as either primary inventor or co-inventor in 338 US patents or patent applications related to a range of technologies from actual computer and portable devices to user interfaces (including touch-based), speakers, keyboards, power adapters, staircases, clasps, sleeves, lanyards and packages."
 Steve Jobs was the lead inventor for Apple so he was a CEO and a key manufacturer of the product of the Apple company.

Friday, October 7, 2011

[CE] Steve Jobs a man who will be missed.

This video speaks about one of the most innovative, successful men ever, Steve Jobs. Steve Jobs co-founded Apple in 1986 with two other people. He later got resigned and started a newer company. That company that Steve had started was later bought out by Apple. Steve was the returned to Apple where he became the CEO of Apple once his new company was bought. Steve had made almost every thing that Apple has to offer including the Mac book, iPod, iPhone, and the i Pad. Steve has brought joy to many people in the world.
"Jobs was a demanding perfectionist who always aspired to position his businesses and their products at the forefront of the information technology industry by foreseeing and setting trends, at least in innovation and style."
 Steve was a very good leader who lead his company through tough economical times, (even though Apple did not have it that tough making more money than the United States of America).
"Jobs is listed as either primary inventor or co-inventor in 338 US patents or patent applications related to a range of technologies from actual computer and portable devices to user interfaces (including touch-based), speakers, keyboards, power adapters, staircases, clasps, sleeves, lanyards and packages."
 Steve Jobs was the lead inventor for Apple so he was a CEO and a key manufacturer of the product of the Apple company.Steve was the most important person Apple had and he will be missed by his entire staff. I think all theirs left to say is Rest in Peace Steve.

[RE] Why Do people like putting themselves on Blast.

I found this quote on Taylor Clark's Blog . I thought that was a very controversial thing to post and really it was not the smartest thing to post. Taylor put herself on blast by putting this on her blog, and there was no point of her posting this because one thing its not any ones business.
"After about month and half being together I lost my virginity to him."
 So many people put them selves on blast and My Question Is Why? Their is no point for people to do this to themselves. They should keep their private affairs private, even if every one knows theirs no point for the person rumors are about to confirm them. Especially if the rumors affect two people, I think it really affects how people are thought about around school and even off of school campus. If the said persons parents or family see this they might get in huge trouble. I think rumors are not to be spread even by themselves is just something that people should just stop being ridiculous and causing problems so yeah people should just stop rumors.

[FR] Madden 12

Madden NFL 12 is an American football video game based on the NFL published by EA Sports and developed by EA Tiburon. Madden 12 is one of the greatest sports video game ever created. The new NFL game came out last week, its is fun because of a few reasons. First it is much more realistic then any football game ever before, they built an all new system that makes the player with more momentum always win the battle to get tackled, or to break off and keep going. Then it has better graphics that make you fell like you are actually watching a real NFL game. It made the online features better than ever; it allows you to talk trash more, beat your friends and it brings an all new NFL experience to the players.
A all new collision system uses momentum to produce more authentic tackling and hits with 100 new tackle animations, including 40 gang tackles.

This is Probably the best thing that the creators of the game put into the game. It really made this game a better experience for NFL fans and it just makes the game way more fun.Franchise mode is the best part of the Madden Series and the way that they allowed expanded rosters in the preseason, which allows teams to have 75 players on the roster and players need to make roster cuts each week. This really was a great part of the franchise I started, that was my favorite part and every time I start a new one, that is what I look foward to doing. I would give Madden NFL 12 a 10 out of 10.