Friday, October 7, 2011

[RE] Why Do people like putting themselves on Blast.

I found this quote on Taylor Clark's Blog . I thought that was a very controversial thing to post and really it was not the smartest thing to post. Taylor put herself on blast by putting this on her blog, and there was no point of her posting this because one thing its not any ones business.
"After about month and half being together I lost my virginity to him."
 So many people put them selves on blast and My Question Is Why? Their is no point for people to do this to themselves. They should keep their private affairs private, even if every one knows theirs no point for the person rumors are about to confirm them. Especially if the rumors affect two people, I think it really affects how people are thought about around school and even off of school campus. If the said persons parents or family see this they might get in huge trouble. I think rumors are not to be spread even by themselves is just something that people should just stop being ridiculous and causing problems so yeah people should just stop rumors.

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