Friday, October 14, 2011

[Fr]Today was home coming

Today was homecoming, the whole day was very fun. The yearly pep rally was today, it was very exciting to cheer on the Sophomore class and boo all of the freshman. Then  it was over and it was time for our JV and Varsity Alameda high football teams to play the Pinole Spartans. I am currently the starting running back and a starting corner, plus I'm on all of the special team squads for JV. We came out bad, we had good intensity but their was a miscommunication on our kickoff squad and the Spartans got a Kickoff return for a touchdown. Then we got the ball back at the 10 yard line and we ended up having to punt the ball on our first drive.

They only scored one other time that entire half and that was after our first possession. After that we started to come back with Me getting a 25 yd run before getting tackled, then James Knight the second string running back got a first down run. But we started to do a lot of passes which were dropped so we had to punt it again, but this time our defense stopped them every time they got the ball back then in the ending of the 3rd quarter James Knight got a 2yd touchdown. Then they punted and we had the ball but the first down we got was called back due to penalties. So they got the ball back and then we stopped them at 4rth down and we had the ball back in our own 7yd line. Then our quarter back Anthonie Pearson fumbled the ball and they drove back from the 20yd line and scored again in the 4rth quarter then we almost came back but there were some dropped passes and they got the ball back to kneel it. Even though we lost it was a good game and we fought hard.

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