Friday, October 14, 2011

[CE] Somalia

I found this video and I think that people should do something about all these starving and dying children. I think that some one some where has to do something about children just dying, they need to save kids so they will become successful and they will live long happy lives like children are supposed to do.
"Mogadishu, Somalia's capital, is overrun by the number of people seeking food as a result of famine and drought. The UN estimates there are just under half a million people now housed in the temporary plastic-covered shelters that pack the city. Although there is international support to tackle conditions, it is failing to stem the number of children who are dying. The UN says that in Mogadishu alone, fifteen children out of every 10000 die each day, the highest rate in the country. And this is only expected to get worse."
This is the background info that came with the video it really makes me want to go to Somalia myself and help those people because it seems like no one else will do it. And it doesn't help either that there is a lot of war and battle going on in Somalia and if people don't die from being shot they will most likely die from not enough water and starvation which Somalia is known for. The worst thing for Somalians is the fact that the military eats all the food and water plus they kill a whole lot of people. For now I only can wish the Somalians peace and hope that their country will be saved.

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