Thursday, September 29, 2011

The definitive characteristic of humanity is that every human being is different; some are completely insane, or normal. Most humans are like no one else like tiny Tim, there is no one in the world like tiny Tim. human beings are capable of many things including reasoning, language, and problem solving which is something that no other animals can do. Humans all have some common sense, respect for certain things depending on the human. Humans have a sense of right and wrongs for all countries this sense is different in example the Quran allows Muslims to kill any who disagree with the Quran and those that are not Muslim. The Christians believe killing is wrong no matter what and even though not all Muslims kill people, some Christians do kill people, but this further proves my point that no one is the exact same.

 One of the huge differences between humans is that they all have different belief systems. The belief systems all have different laws and of course different beliefs. The Hindus have a polytheistic belief system where they have many gods. Judaism, Christianity, and the Islam religions only believe in one God each. The thing that really shows the difference in humanity is the difference in the way we speak our languages and the way we write down our languages. The thing that humans do have alike though is that they do things for themselves we, we produce our own food, we enrich our lives by becoming what we want to be, we aren't forced to do any thing unless we are overpowered by other human beings, we write down in a language to spread our different beliefs and we get to do what we choose what belief system we want to believe or we don't choose a belief system at all. Humans change the world unlike any other species, we take care of our families and ourselves, but we do change the circle of life when we destroy rain forests and kill huge populations of certain types of animals.

The biggest thing that defines human beings is the fact that we all think for ourselves we are not forced to do anything we can choose not to eat, we can choose if we want to be criminals, or great citizens working every day to make the world a better place. Humans come up with great ideas that explain Why certain things happen and how they happen, so some people won't come up with stupid reasons like their is a sun god or a river god and a rain god. People use science reasoning and hard work to figure out how these things happen and they come up with things like chemistry, biology, English, algebra, geometry, pre-calculus, calculus, statistics, and astronomy. Humans question the unknown, some people don't but as a population people will ask questions if they either don't understand what they are getting taught or if it just isn't right, like if it is not supported by reasoning and proof.

Another thing that makes us human is the fact that we can not survive by ourselves, humans are weak and small  in proportion to many of the other mammals; but with our great intelligence it makes us make new technology that allows us to take control and have power over these monstrous animals. Humans have the power to do these great many things that make us become the more dominant species out there. In my opinion, being able to survive using skills that are WRITTEN down and taught through experience by a father or leader.

"Until c. 10,000 years ago, most humans lived as hunter-gatherers. They generally lived in small nomadic groups known as band societies."
I got this quote from a Wikipedia page and I liked it because it has showed how humans as a population have greatly changed over time, gradually becoming better at things like creating tools and weapons to be able to become dominant and successful species in the world, as a population.

Humans can do things like no other creature or animal ever. They can love, create care for things other than there family and food, and humans can have courage, belief, inventiveness.
Humans learn from there mistakes, if they do something wrong, they work vigorously to find the solution and if they keep getting it wrong, they start over and keep going at it until they either find an answer or they state their Hypothesis as incorrect, just like the Scientific Method. In fact I found that it was more important to find what you did wrong then to find out what you did wrong. 

the drive to write this paper or to maintain my grade point average I would not be human and I would not be as successful as I am today. Emotion has a significant influence on  human behavior. It makes us start wars, fall in love, get mad, be happy and every thing in between. If someone had no emotions they would be a robot that no one likes. Motivation is the driving force of desire behind all deliberate actions of humans. Motivation is based on emotion, which is one of the most important things that humans have. If humans did not have emotion and motivation, we would not have the drive to do anything; If I did not have encouragement and motivation 
"Some of the earliest theories of life were Materialist, holding that all that exists is matter, and that all life is merely a complex form or arrangement of matter."
This is also a Wikipedia page about life. I think it is very interesting because some people still believe that this is really the true meaning of life. I like how some people care about their phones and iPods more than they care about some people. I have seen one person that they got what ever they want and they still weren't happy because they still did not have a computer, they freaked out and they got grounded for a month.

I Believe that the greatest Characteristic of human beings is the ability to change and overcome great disadvantages, and to be completely and utterly different from one another. The Human race is a incredible species. 

Thursday, September 22, 2011

[CE] Don't ask, don't tell

  I think that it is messed up to have banned homosexuals from the military in the first place, because if they did not want to protect their country they would not be in the military. The thing that is most messed up with this law is that what if the solider is really good at say sniping or bomb defusing they would have cut them from the military. Is it fare that straight people would get certain job opportunities because of their DNA, I don't. The people who came up with that law should not feel right inside for he really either embarrassed a lot of people or just crushed their dreams until now. Now that the law has been changed their will be more skilled and highly trained people in the military fighting for this great country. The most important thing in my opinion to join the military is that the people who join really deeply care for this country and can follow directions.

Some of the best soldiers have been gay but not enough, because of the now lost rule that gay people can not join the military. If the best soldier in the world was gay, 2 years ago he would have not been allowed to join this respectable military. The only thing that the enemies care about that the soldiers in front of them are American soldiers. The most important thing though is that people keep the law from coming back because if it does then the country will be going back wards.

[Free] The Island Bowl

I am very excited for tomorrow for this is the biggest Alameda football game every year the Island Bowl. I am the starting running back against the feared Encinal defense, but I am embracing the defense, for this will truly challenge me and my entire team. The Encinal Jets have been training very hard to beat us, but it will truly be an all out battle. Our Alameda high JV team has been training for this ever since the summer and have been very well coached and prepared. I plan to run all over Encinal for it will  not be Encinal tomorrow. It will be an extended Alameda high for I am very confidant in our team, we will shut them down and every play will be a physical battle against the person in front of me.

Our greatest strength is our line backers. Our linebackers HIT, SWARM, and FUCK people up,  that is what they do, they always help their team mates get up in attitude, intensity, and from the ground because that is their job. The most important thing in order for us to win is to stay a team, help each other up if we mess up, and TO DO OUR ASSIGNMENTS(JOBS). If we stay focused and just do our jobs we should just kick Encinals Ass, and since most of the people who are reading this go to Alameda High they should be supportive of all the sports teams; no matter if its Golf, Football, and or Water Polo. All I have to say now is Go Hornets!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

[Column] A man is looking for something in a Dark Room

A man was looking in a pitch black dark room. It was darker than the darkest night. He could feel a rough straight surface in the middle of the room. He believed it to be his rough red wool coat on his dining room table. It was very warm, but that was not what he was looking for. He was a business man in New York city, his name is Jerry Long. Jerry was looking for a flashlight because the lights in his house went out and he had very few windows because it was a old house, but that wouldn't have mattered because it was at night and his shades were up. Jerry lived alone in a bad neighborhood in New York, he heard gunshots every night and saw people being mugged every day of the week. Jerry had slipped over a wooden stub from the kitchen table he landed in a thick dense liquid, he was scared for he had no idea what it was so his heart started racing and a shiver went up his back, his head had a big bump on it it was throbbing very fast.

Jerry got up quickly for he was thinking that something very bad was going on, he then checked the door it was bolted shut and he could not get out he screamed for he saw a metallic object the size of a Knife in the corner and  a pair red gleaming eyes he immediately started to run he fell over a couch and looked up he saw the blade. He quickly had to roll he grabbed a lamp and hit the man over the head he had just enough thought in him to grab the knife then he left that area. Jerry had now been accustomed to the light enough to find a good hiding spot, and he was able to see the kitchen their was definitely a body laying their. He knew he was now in horror, his arm was shivering, his heart was beating, his legs were shaking, and he had a feeling that he very well could die.

Jerry could see a shadowy figure pacing back and forth looking for his pray, he had a mask on and had a gun. Jerry knew the only way he would survive is if he went to his safe under his bed, grab his gun and shoot the murderer. He had to grow some balls and do this task or he won't be able to go to his crappy job in the morning and listen to his boss yell at him which he is hoping for this moment. Jerry had got up in a swift motion sprinting to  his bedroom. The shadowy figure shot at Jerry hitting him in the leg but Jerry was safe for now. His leg was gushing out blood but he had felt no pain for he was in shock. He soon got over it, he went over to his bathroom and then wrapped up his leg. Jerry went under his bed and open his safe and picked up his .357 Magnum Revolver and loaded it then he kicked open the door and jumped behind his couch he could not see the figure then he popped out of the closet and was shot in a swift motion two to the chest and one to the head the murderer was down in an instant dead.

He found his flash light in a corner of the room it. He turned it on and looked at the man that lay dead and the other victim. The victim is a Caucasian female with two stab wounds in the chest she was leaking blood. The Police soon showed up with an ambulance Jerry was immediately brought to an emergency room because he lost a lot of blood. Jerry soon realized he had seen the murderer before he was a co worker that had not really liked Jerry. Jerry never woke again for he had lost so much blood that he died. Jerry was later put i n the obituary section of the local newspaper. He was considered a hero by the Captain of the Police.

                                                                               The End

Friday, September 16, 2011

[RE] Foot balls back Baby

I found this quote on Rowlands blog and I liked it because I love football
With the NFL lockout over, preseason over, the start of the 2011 NFL football season is upon us.
I liked this quote because i am a hard core  football fan. I am very excited for this season because I believe that this will be one of the best NFL football seasons ever with one of the best of free agency pick ups ever. I believe that the Raiders will shock the National Football League and get into the play offs and hopefully make it all the way. The teams I predict will make playoffs are the Raiders, Ravens, Jaguars, Jets, Patriots, and the Steelers for the AFC including the wild cards. My predictions for the NFC in playoffs are Forty Niners, Eagles, Bears, Saints, Falcons, and the defending Superbowl champions, the Green-Bay Packers. The reason why I believe these teams will make playoffs is because they have many good players.

My predictions for this football season might not come true but my expectations definitely will. The season will have some exciting runs, receptions and passes. The professional football players have already had a great first week with many close exciting games. The Raiders, Jets, Redskins, Eagles, Chargers, Lions, Packers, Bears, Niners, Cardinals, Patriots, Bills, Bengals, Ravens, Texans, and Jaguars are the teams that had a great first week in Which they ended in wins for those teams listed. Let us all be excited for this new NFL season. Go Raiders!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[Ce] Video games in the new generation

Games are part of our generation and they make more money than most companies ever do. If you ask anyone if they play video games now a day it is a definite yes. With a wide variety of games and game playing individuals, the games just don't get boring. The many games allow people to choose and play their favorite games without not liking a game; because if someone does not like the game they can exchange it and get a new one or play a different game they already own. For example my favorite games are shooters but my second favorite is a role playing game that has to do with gaining levels by protecting the world by killing creatures and doing what ever I feel like doing. In my opinion the best games are the shooters from the Call of Duty franchise, the Elder Scrolls Franchise and I can not forget to mention the Madden franchise.

The best game console, in my opinion, is the X-box 360 where the best and most diverse games are made for. Some of the best games ever are made for this console like the Halo series, Gears of War series and Fable 2. The people who work for the X-Box company put time and effort to make the greatest possible gaming experience. I am a very good gamer, ask Biruk, I kick his ass every time I play him in MW2 and Halo Reach. I have been playing video games for a long time and I will beat anybody. I don't play during the school year though because of my many sports. Video games are going to be, and are already becoming a big part of this new generations child hoods for better or for worse!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

[Free] The Raiders have Won Again

The Raiders have started out there season very well for the first time with a win over the Broncos 23 to 20. The Raiders have not won a season opener in 8 years until now. The Raiders did very well on the offensive, defensive, and special teams side of the ball. The offensive line was going hard throughout the entire game and same as the defensive line with Richard Seymour, Tommy Kelly, Matt Shaughnessy, getting sacks. The Raiders were doing very well on the special teams as well with a blocked punt and the longest field goal of all time at 63 yards. Sebastian Janikowski the kicker had an extraordinary game with 3 field goals and the record longest field goal at 63 yards long.

The Raiders offensive line was blocking really well for Marcel Reese, Micheal Bush, Jason Campbell, and Darren McFadden. The rushers for the Oakland Raiders were getting off with 193 rushing yards total. Darren McFadden was doing very well with two 20 plus yard runs and a 47 yard rush. Marcel Reese was doing good with a few good first down catches and runs, and one touch downs. Micheal Bush ended the game with a few good runs to run out the clock. The Raiders will do very good this season and I will agree with my boy Biruk that the Raiders will at least go to the playoffs. I will always want the Raiders to go to the playoffs because I am a Hard core Raider fan I go to the games quite a lot. Go Raiders !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

[Free] My hopes for the Raiders this NFL season

I am a hardcore Raiders fan and my hopes for the Raiders and the NFL this upcoming season is for the Raiders to at least make playoffs. The Raiders have a very good special teams unit. They have exceptional running backs, a good receiving core, and a great defense. I expect the raiders to go eleven and five, and make playoffs winning their division.

The Raiders have one of the best special teams units in the NFL, if not the best. At punt team, the Raiders have the best punter in the NFL, Shane Lechler. Their feild goal and kickoff units have the best kicker in the NFL Sebastian Janikowski, he has the longest feild goal in the NFL, and ever, at 61 yards in a game, and a 65 yarder in practice. the Raiders have never actually ever attempted his 65 yard field goal in an actual game. The Raiders also have one of the most explosive kick returners in the NFL, with the second year Jacoby Ford, he returned three kick returns for touchdowns last year. The punt returner is alright, he is Nick Miller.

The Raiders also have a great offensive line who block for the Raiders amazing running backs, Darren Mcfadden and the second string Micheal Bush. Darren Mcfadden is not only one of the best running backs in the NFL, but he is one of the greatest players in the NFL. Last season the Raiders rushed for the second most rushing yards in the NFL, where Darren Mcfadden rushed for over 1100 yards and Miceal Bush rushed for 650 plus yards, which for a back up is extremely good.

The Raiders are an amazing team with their special teams, rush offence, and defence leading the way, they could definately make playoffs if they work hard enough. Go Raiders!!!!!!!!!!

[Re] Do all people relate cell phones to teenagers

I found this quote on Johns blog and I thought it was very interesting.
Cell phones are clearly priority for most teens nowadays, you cant really mention teenagers and not bring up cell phones in the same sentence.
I thought this was very interesting because even though the vast majority of  teenagers have cell phones not all of them do. I know most of the teenagers that do have cell phones are not on them most of the time. Usually teenagers spend time with friends, doing sports, with there families, and there are the ones that instead of being on cell phones they are on computers or video game consoles. Most students would rather spend time on there phones either in school or when they are really bored. I only text some one when I am doing something that I am able to text while continuing what I am doing. I would say most people will not relate teenagers to cell phones because cell phones are really not a important topic that a lot of people talk about.

It is an interesting quote because even though parents might think that their kids spend to much time on cell phones or other electronics, but the truth is that their kids do not spend to much time on phones and or electronics, and that they spend their time doing things that actually matter or that they care about even though teenagers might care that their phones might break but even adults care if a hundred dollar piece of equipment breaks. Who wouldn't. I will have to say it is a valid point because many people say teenagers of today spend to much time on electronics. Teenagers would usually would say that they like to have their cell phones but they care more about things that are actually important unlike electronics.

[CE] The Military shooting at unarmed protesters, this is Not Right

No matter how the protesters are acting, using live ammunition is just not right. If I was a protester I would not be pleased being shot at but as I am not I think that the military should not do this If i was a soldier of that military I would stand up to my commanding officer and beg him to stop because its just not right. I would like to help solve the problem over at Cairo because someone needs to stand up to the government in a more sophisticated manner to get them to stop not only the riots but the, violent actions by the government of Cairo shooting and killing innocent protesters that might not prove that much harm against a successful country.

The people of Cairo are very brave to face such an oppressing country. The Cairo people are very lucky that they have such caring and brave people, I would not stay in a riot when Live gunfire was shooting at me. The government of Cairo should be ashamed the way they are treating there citizens and treating unarmed human beings that badly they do not deserve to be running a country with their mindset willing to shoot humans that are not shooting back at them. The government of Cairo should stop doing this immediately or other countries should intervene. The riots of the city of Cairo should soon be over and hopefully no more people will be hurt. Let us all pray for the protesters of Cairo and hope the soldiers stop using live ammunition if the riots continue to come.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

All about me

                  Hi my name is Steven Montoya, I was born in Annapolis, Maryland in May 30th 1996. Maryland is where I had lived for one year and then I moved to Alameda, California, where I have been living for 14 years to present time. I first went to Amelia Earhart in which i did six years in which I had some pretty terrible and fun times . I then passed fifth grade and I moved up in to middle school and that was the same time my mother and father got divorced. I had a great time in middle school where I made some really great friends and some not so great friends . I then moved on to high school where I played football and club water polo and I swam. I also started hunting in eighth grade when I was 14. I have also done a lot of other sports in my life. Sports, Hunting, and Working out ( for sports) are my passions in life.
                  I first started playing sports when I was 7, where I played T- ball and soccer. I never really liked baseball because it was to slow paced and every one took it way to seriously for a 7 to 8 year old baseball team. I was never the best player, but I never missed the ball when I was up at bat but they would always be either grounders or pop-fly so I usually never made it to first base. When I did go to first I usually made it home because I was a very fast little kid. Even though I was not very good at base ball I was very good at soccer. I either played left or right mid fielder or I was goalie. I only let 14 goals against me in over 70 games and I scored only 11 which is pretty decent because I played goalie. I played base ball for 3 years and soccer for 11 seasons which is five and a half years. I then started swimming and stopped playing the other two. I have done swimming for two years now and I started that at age thirteen and I am going to be on varsity this year for swimming. I am a breaststroker with my fastest time for a 100 meter breast stroke is 1:15seconds which is a very fast time for a sophomore. I started football and club water polo as a freshman in high school. I am a running back and corner back for football. I am a wing for water polo and sometimes a point. In football my job is to run to the end zone and score touch downs. My job in water polo is to set up the offense and score.
                 I started to hunt in eighth grade and I have been continuing to do it. I went on a very awesome and exciting boar hunt with my grand father in June where we got two enormous boar. We also went on a awesome deer hunt where we got two huge deer in late August.
                 My goals for writing this year are to do good and to pass with a A in English, And to get all my work actually turned in for once.
                                                                           The End