Saturday, September 10, 2011

[Re] Do all people relate cell phones to teenagers

I found this quote on Johns blog and I thought it was very interesting.
Cell phones are clearly priority for most teens nowadays, you cant really mention teenagers and not bring up cell phones in the same sentence.
I thought this was very interesting because even though the vast majority of  teenagers have cell phones not all of them do. I know most of the teenagers that do have cell phones are not on them most of the time. Usually teenagers spend time with friends, doing sports, with there families, and there are the ones that instead of being on cell phones they are on computers or video game consoles. Most students would rather spend time on there phones either in school or when they are really bored. I only text some one when I am doing something that I am able to text while continuing what I am doing. I would say most people will not relate teenagers to cell phones because cell phones are really not a important topic that a lot of people talk about.

It is an interesting quote because even though parents might think that their kids spend to much time on cell phones or other electronics, but the truth is that their kids do not spend to much time on phones and or electronics, and that they spend their time doing things that actually matter or that they care about even though teenagers might care that their phones might break but even adults care if a hundred dollar piece of equipment breaks. Who wouldn't. I will have to say it is a valid point because many people say teenagers of today spend to much time on electronics. Teenagers would usually would say that they like to have their cell phones but they care more about things that are actually important unlike electronics.


  1. Our generation is a little misunderstood, I think. No other has grown up with such an abundance of personal technology, not to mention information!
    So are our attachments to these things inherently bad? I don't think so, at all.
    People say that cell phones and the internet are causing problems socially and intellectually with the youth.
    But I think it's just the opposite. I think we're all learning so much more, so much faster than any other generation did. We're not stupid! Our age seems to imply to people that we're incapable of time management or making good decisions at all. But... I'm proud of my generation.

  2. I think this is an interesting topic...But I also think that you're stating many of your OPINIONS as if they are FACTS. Especially in your first paragraph. Got any data or information to back up these assertions?
