Thursday, September 29, 2011

The definitive characteristic of humanity is that every human being is different; some are completely insane, or normal. Most humans are like no one else like tiny Tim, there is no one in the world like tiny Tim. human beings are capable of many things including reasoning, language, and problem solving which is something that no other animals can do. Humans all have some common sense, respect for certain things depending on the human. Humans have a sense of right and wrongs for all countries this sense is different in example the Quran allows Muslims to kill any who disagree with the Quran and those that are not Muslim. The Christians believe killing is wrong no matter what and even though not all Muslims kill people, some Christians do kill people, but this further proves my point that no one is the exact same.

 One of the huge differences between humans is that they all have different belief systems. The belief systems all have different laws and of course different beliefs. The Hindus have a polytheistic belief system where they have many gods. Judaism, Christianity, and the Islam religions only believe in one God each. The thing that really shows the difference in humanity is the difference in the way we speak our languages and the way we write down our languages. The thing that humans do have alike though is that they do things for themselves we, we produce our own food, we enrich our lives by becoming what we want to be, we aren't forced to do any thing unless we are overpowered by other human beings, we write down in a language to spread our different beliefs and we get to do what we choose what belief system we want to believe or we don't choose a belief system at all. Humans change the world unlike any other species, we take care of our families and ourselves, but we do change the circle of life when we destroy rain forests and kill huge populations of certain types of animals.

The biggest thing that defines human beings is the fact that we all think for ourselves we are not forced to do anything we can choose not to eat, we can choose if we want to be criminals, or great citizens working every day to make the world a better place. Humans come up with great ideas that explain Why certain things happen and how they happen, so some people won't come up with stupid reasons like their is a sun god or a river god and a rain god. People use science reasoning and hard work to figure out how these things happen and they come up with things like chemistry, biology, English, algebra, geometry, pre-calculus, calculus, statistics, and astronomy. Humans question the unknown, some people don't but as a population people will ask questions if they either don't understand what they are getting taught or if it just isn't right, like if it is not supported by reasoning and proof.

Another thing that makes us human is the fact that we can not survive by ourselves, humans are weak and small  in proportion to many of the other mammals; but with our great intelligence it makes us make new technology that allows us to take control and have power over these monstrous animals. Humans have the power to do these great many things that make us become the more dominant species out there. In my opinion, being able to survive using skills that are WRITTEN down and taught through experience by a father or leader.

"Until c. 10,000 years ago, most humans lived as hunter-gatherers. They generally lived in small nomadic groups known as band societies."
I got this quote from a Wikipedia page and I liked it because it has showed how humans as a population have greatly changed over time, gradually becoming better at things like creating tools and weapons to be able to become dominant and successful species in the world, as a population.

Humans can do things like no other creature or animal ever. They can love, create care for things other than there family and food, and humans can have courage, belief, inventiveness.
Humans learn from there mistakes, if they do something wrong, they work vigorously to find the solution and if they keep getting it wrong, they start over and keep going at it until they either find an answer or they state their Hypothesis as incorrect, just like the Scientific Method. In fact I found that it was more important to find what you did wrong then to find out what you did wrong. 

the drive to write this paper or to maintain my grade point average I would not be human and I would not be as successful as I am today. Emotion has a significant influence on  human behavior. It makes us start wars, fall in love, get mad, be happy and every thing in between. If someone had no emotions they would be a robot that no one likes. Motivation is the driving force of desire behind all deliberate actions of humans. Motivation is based on emotion, which is one of the most important things that humans have. If humans did not have emotion and motivation, we would not have the drive to do anything; If I did not have encouragement and motivation 
"Some of the earliest theories of life were Materialist, holding that all that exists is matter, and that all life is merely a complex form or arrangement of matter."
This is also a Wikipedia page about life. I think it is very interesting because some people still believe that this is really the true meaning of life. I like how some people care about their phones and iPods more than they care about some people. I have seen one person that they got what ever they want and they still weren't happy because they still did not have a computer, they freaked out and they got grounded for a month.

I Believe that the greatest Characteristic of human beings is the ability to change and overcome great disadvantages, and to be completely and utterly different from one another. The Human race is a incredible species. 

1 comment:

  1. So there are some decent points in here and I can certainly dig some of the examples you use, but I have some concerns. First of all, are you sure the Quran allows what you think it allows? Have you read it? Can you quote it? Where exactly does it say what you claim? I would be very careful making claims about other people's scriptures without offering any evidence to back up your claim. That is not too cool. You do a similar thing again later when you say that beliefs in river gods, sun gods, and rain gods are "stupid." Why is that stupid? That is again a judgment on your part, and shouldn't be stated as a fact.

    Also if you look at the first paragraph and then the last paragraph, it's clear that this essay starts off on one topic and then changes to something quite different. So there's a problem with focus and hanging onto the topic you claim in the first place. If you had to boil your idea down to ONE SENTENCE, what would that sentence be? When you know the answer to that question, then you hang your examples/evidence from that starting point and let it guide and organize your writing as you continue...That's what a thesis statement is for.
