Saturday, September 10, 2011

[CE] The Military shooting at unarmed protesters, this is Not Right

No matter how the protesters are acting, using live ammunition is just not right. If I was a protester I would not be pleased being shot at but as I am not I think that the military should not do this If i was a soldier of that military I would stand up to my commanding officer and beg him to stop because its just not right. I would like to help solve the problem over at Cairo because someone needs to stand up to the government in a more sophisticated manner to get them to stop not only the riots but the, violent actions by the government of Cairo shooting and killing innocent protesters that might not prove that much harm against a successful country.

The people of Cairo are very brave to face such an oppressing country. The Cairo people are very lucky that they have such caring and brave people, I would not stay in a riot when Live gunfire was shooting at me. The government of Cairo should be ashamed the way they are treating there citizens and treating unarmed human beings that badly they do not deserve to be running a country with their mindset willing to shoot humans that are not shooting back at them. The government of Cairo should stop doing this immediately or other countries should intervene. The riots of the city of Cairo should soon be over and hopefully no more people will be hurt. Let us all pray for the protesters of Cairo and hope the soldiers stop using live ammunition if the riots continue to come.

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