Thursday, September 22, 2011

[CE] Don't ask, don't tell

  I think that it is messed up to have banned homosexuals from the military in the first place, because if they did not want to protect their country they would not be in the military. The thing that is most messed up with this law is that what if the solider is really good at say sniping or bomb defusing they would have cut them from the military. Is it fare that straight people would get certain job opportunities because of their DNA, I don't. The people who came up with that law should not feel right inside for he really either embarrassed a lot of people or just crushed their dreams until now. Now that the law has been changed their will be more skilled and highly trained people in the military fighting for this great country. The most important thing in my opinion to join the military is that the people who join really deeply care for this country and can follow directions.

Some of the best soldiers have been gay but not enough, because of the now lost rule that gay people can not join the military. If the best soldier in the world was gay, 2 years ago he would have not been allowed to join this respectable military. The only thing that the enemies care about that the soldiers in front of them are American soldiers. The most important thing though is that people keep the law from coming back because if it does then the country will be going back wards.

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