Tuesday, September 6, 2011

All about me

                  Hi my name is Steven Montoya, I was born in Annapolis, Maryland in May 30th 1996. Maryland is where I had lived for one year and then I moved to Alameda, California, where I have been living for 14 years to present time. I first went to Amelia Earhart in which i did six years in which I had some pretty terrible and fun times . I then passed fifth grade and I moved up in to middle school and that was the same time my mother and father got divorced. I had a great time in middle school where I made some really great friends and some not so great friends . I then moved on to high school where I played football and club water polo and I swam. I also started hunting in eighth grade when I was 14. I have also done a lot of other sports in my life. Sports, Hunting, and Working out ( for sports) are my passions in life.
                  I first started playing sports when I was 7, where I played T- ball and soccer. I never really liked baseball because it was to slow paced and every one took it way to seriously for a 7 to 8 year old baseball team. I was never the best player, but I never missed the ball when I was up at bat but they would always be either grounders or pop-fly so I usually never made it to first base. When I did go to first I usually made it home because I was a very fast little kid. Even though I was not very good at base ball I was very good at soccer. I either played left or right mid fielder or I was goalie. I only let 14 goals against me in over 70 games and I scored only 11 which is pretty decent because I played goalie. I played base ball for 3 years and soccer for 11 seasons which is five and a half years. I then started swimming and stopped playing the other two. I have done swimming for two years now and I started that at age thirteen and I am going to be on varsity this year for swimming. I am a breaststroker with my fastest time for a 100 meter breast stroke is 1:15seconds which is a very fast time for a sophomore. I started football and club water polo as a freshman in high school. I am a running back and corner back for football. I am a wing for water polo and sometimes a point. In football my job is to run to the end zone and score touch downs. My job in water polo is to set up the offense and score.
                 I started to hunt in eighth grade and I have been continuing to do it. I went on a very awesome and exciting boar hunt with my grand father in June where we got two enormous boar. We also went on a awesome deer hunt where we got two huge deer in late August.
                 My goals for writing this year are to do good and to pass with a A in English, And to get all my work actually turned in for once.
                                                                           The End

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